January 17-19 Coast
Coast? Someone say coast? Yeah, no. Didn't happen. And you know what? That's just fine. We had a blast. Found a sweet spot at Indian Valley Reservoir too, because we didn't make it to the coast. This change happened for two reasons: 1, it was freezing cold and there was ice that needed thawing....had to let that happen for the motorcycles. Didn't roll until a little after 11. And even with that, there was still some slick spots. 2, Alan's truck's brakes were acting up and we didn't want to have him go home. So we just stayed where we were comfortable. And it was fun. Not too early. I had a great time sitting in the sun with Dave K along the water. We sipped beers and chatted while fellers set up.
It was fun to have have chef Dorian back. He had the easy bake oven. That was cool. Or hot. Or whatever. Justin had his new camp light and it was amazing for poker. Alan had the fire pit and the Little Buddy Heater. Game changer for heat at poker. Lots and lots of firewood at Indian Valley, so we piled it high. Alan's chainsaw was awesome too.
Poker both nights, unless you wanted to sit around the fire. That is all good. But holy shit, Friday night was seriously cold. Everything was frozen over in the morning. See pictures below. We all arrived at different times and this is where having a known camp is great. Also, one that is easy to get to. Fouts is just that. On the m10, about 15 minutes out of Stoneyford. I sped Friday afternoon. Not gonna lie. Trying to beat sunset. I did. But not the cold. As soon as the sun was down, yikes. Rig came in the dark shortly after. Alan and Mike traveled together out of Williams. Mike said that was pure happenstance. Dave K rolled around the same time as Raf. They all had the camp picked out when I arrived. Awesome. Dodds boys in the morning.
Tracks were great. Plenty of offroad and a water crossing and so on. Lots of wildlife. Very pretty. Just cold. That's my only complaint. Though the electric vest was amazing. I stayed pretty cozy in my sleeping bag.
Watched a guys ruin his side by side gearbox. That was interesting. As we set up Saturday camp. Also watched a little girl catch a nice trout with her dad...that was awesome. We all cheered. Diesel made friends with the German shepherd. That was cute. I get the feeling he makes friends anywhere he goes. He was a happy dog for sure.
Never shot guns. Didn't need the bear spray. Alan's truck was frustrating, and that's a bummer. But it will work out eventually.
Sloughhouse Social on Sunday for lunch was great. Food there is something. Service is terrific. Very pleasant ride home. Honestly, I told Raf, I can't imagine a nicer ride to end a ride. So pleasant.
Hope we have many more to come. Cheers.
This is a redo ride from December.
This also serves as our annual calendar meeting. Keeping this Goldwing friendly, but some tracks can be used by some of the group. We'll pick destinations and just make sure that's where we end up. Now that many of us have the InReach, we can communicate better.
Friday meet at Fouts Springs/Davis Flats campground on the M10 out of Stonyford. First arrivals pick the spot, everyone else, find them.
Saturday's routes get us to the coast. Depending on who attends, we can use Fishrock road or the 128 or Compchte. All tracks are below. Lots of options. BUT, from Fouts, we can catch Bartlett Springs to Clear Lake...we've done this many time..but it's dirt...not goldwing friendly. Again, can skip or meet.
Saturday we have several options to the coast and then camp at Manchester KOA or Westport Beach RV (the one where Branscomb road comes out.
Total of 6 tracks because of Saturday's options
Bartlett Springs to Clear Lake